Dr. Coady’s scholarship is grounded in educational equity, and critical place-based (rural) education. She leads the field nationally in rural Multilingual Learner (ML) / English Learner (EL) teacher education and is recipient of more than $10 million in grant-funded awards from the US Department of Education (Project STELLAR and Project DELTA), the Ford Foundation, and the Spencer Foundation.

Using a lens of equity, community cultural wealth, and strengths-based learning, her main area of research is with rural educators who serve multilingual students and families.

Dr. Coady’s current research studies (2022-26) include:

  1. Examining rural Dual Language Immersion (rDLI) programs, multilingual learners, and rural community cultural wealth (funded by the Spencer Foundation)

  2. Well-being and equity in rural communities (WERC) research hub (with J. Stewart-Ginsburg and B. Parker, NCSU)

  3. A rural Grow-Your-Own (GYO) teacher education program study (with M. Dean Hughes, J. Roberson, M. Estrada, R. Montesinos Jorro, and M. Coady, paper in review)

  4. A rural multilingual family engagement study (with B. Lewis and J. Mann, paper in review)

  5. A remote rural coastal community linguistic landscape analysis (with J. Roberson, paper in preparation)

  6. Literacy development for multilingual learners in a dual language immersion program (DLI) in the context of ‘science of reading’ (in development)


“We dream in narrative, daydream in narrative, remember, anticipate, hope, despair, believe, doubt, plan, revise, criticize, construct, gossip, learn, hate and love by narrative.”


Barbara Hardy


"Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose." ~ Zora Neale Hurston (from Dust Tracks on a Road, 1942)