Dr. Coady’s scholarship is grounded in educational equity, and critical place-based (rural) education. She leads the field nationally in rural Multilingual Learner (ML) / English Learner (EL) teacher education and is recipient of more than $10 million in grant-funded awards from the US Department of Education (Project STELLAR and Project DELTA), the Ford Foundation, and the Spencer Foundation.
Using a lens of equity, community cultural wealth, and strengths-based learning, her main area of research is with rural educators who serve multilingual students and families.
Dr. Coady’s current research studies (2022-26) include:
Examining rural Dual Language Immersion (rDLI) programs, multilingual learners, and rural community cultural wealth (funded by the Spencer Foundation)
Well-being and equity in rural communities (WERC) research hub (with J. Stewart-Ginsburg and B. Parker, NCSU)
A rural Grow-Your-Own (GYO) teacher education program study (with M. Dean Hughes, J. Roberson, M. Estrada, R. Montesinos Jorro, and M. Coady, paper in review)
A rural multilingual family engagement study (with B. Lewis and J. Mann, paper in review)
A remote rural coastal community linguistic landscape analysis (with J. Roberson, paper in preparation)
Literacy development for multilingual learners in a dual language immersion program (DLI) in the context of ‘science of reading’ (in development)