
Dr. Coady services on national, state, and local boards. Her service includes the Eastern-region representative of the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE), the 2020-21 Chair of the AERA Bilingual Education Research Special Interest Group, and editorial work on journals (Bilingual Research Journal, Journal of Research in Rural Education, The Rural Educator, the NABE Journal of Research and Practice). Some of her state level initiatives include establishing the Carolina Association for Bilingual Education (CarABE) in 2023 and the Florida Association for Bilingual Education in 2018. She works with the NC Department for Public Instruction for Multilingual Learners and regularly provides educator support to rural school districts with ML students. Internationally, Dr. Coady serves as a reviewer for the international Fulbright Commission and has been a recipient of three Fulbright awards in Ukraine (2013), South Africa (2016) and Poland (2021-22).

Dr. Coady is the President of the 501(c)3 non-profit foundation LEAD (Foundation for Language Education and Development), founded in 2013, which provides educational funding and support for immigrant and migrant students and families. The Foundation distributes funds to support high achieving multilingual and migrant students to attend college under two funds (Dare to Dream & Pamela Wrigley Scholarship Fund).